Niles Discovery Church, Fremont $3.2M (2014-2015)
Principal Project Manager for a $3.2M major renovation of the church. Upgrades included a large addition,and complete remodel of entire facility and grounds. Also included was a public sidewalk replacement adjacent to the building. Project Delivered on time and on budget.
Sun Light & Power, Berkeley $1M (2010–2014)
Senior Project Manager, supervising a portfolio of over $1M worth of design-build solar PV and solar thermal projects at any one time. Consistently delivered projects on time and on budget. Also responsible for developing & documenting department policy, as well as training & supervising project managers and other operations staff.
ClearEdge Power, San Francisco Bay Area (2009–2010)
Managed the installation & commissioning of fuel cell power co-generation systems in several residences. Reviewed & implemented the design drawings, subcontracted the construction activities and provided client customer service. Also responsible for locating and training certified installers, oversight of subcontracts, change orders & engineering questions, evaluating sites for installation requirements, supervising custom design packages & obtaining permits.
General Contractor, San Francisco Bay Area (2008-2009)
Owned & operated EDC Construction, specializing in retaining walls, drainage & seismic upgrades. Provided design-build installation services. Consistently delivered projects on time and on budget. Hired and managed three employees.
San Francisco Airport Sound Insulation, San Bruno $500K (2001-2008)
Provided field inspection services to monitor multiple phases of the FAA residential sound insulation retrofit program. Provided customer service & supervision of contractors to ensure adherence to the design documents & the strict FAA schedule. Hired and managed 2 employees.
Eden United Church of Christ, Hayward $1.25M (2005-2007)
Principal Project Manager for a $1.25M renovation project. Upgrades included seismic, ADA bathrooms, fire alarm, sprinklers, HVAC, lighting, sound system, acoustic features, carpet & paint.
Alameda Juvenile Justice Facility, San Leandro $3M (2005-2006)
As a consultant to Norment Security Contractor, provided temporary office facilities, computers, office supplies, sanitary facilities, storage containers, computer support & a full time secretary for their field office.
First Congregational Church, Berkeley $3M (2002-2006)
Principal Project Manager for a $3M capital improvement project. Upgraded the steel seismic structure, bathrooms, fire alarm, sprinklers, lighting, sound system, carpet & 5 color interior paint. Waterproofed the historic brick exterior & commissioned a new custom built pipe organ.
San Francisco USPS Airmail Center, San Bruno $1.5M (2005)
Provided a full time Junior Resident Engineer to their field office for one year. Hired and supervised one employee.
Federal GSA design-build projects, San Francisco $6M (2005)
Provided construction phase field support to RAW International architects on this two phase, design-build project. Managed project meetings, minutes, cost analysis, construction schedules, bid packages, submittals, requests for information, change orders & close out punch lists.
Arroyo Viejo ADA CIP Project, City of Oakland $500K (2004)
Principal Project Manager for the design-build project to construct a new ADA recreation building & playground. Managed bid process, executed contract, conducted weekly meetings, maintained documentation, processed change orders, addressed design questions & provided field inspection. Project completed on time & on budget.
Home Place Initiatives, Oakland $130K (2003)
Management of mold abatement project. Identified scope of work, managed expert consultants, advised client on potential claims, bid & managed abatement work.
Frank L. Arms & Associates, Alameda (2002- 2003)
Managed pre-construction & construction phase repairs to various multi-family residential properties for home owner associations. Developed cost loaded schedules predicting cost per month for budgeting purposes.
BART- System Wide Elevator Overhaul, Oakland $20M (2002)
Developed baseline & as-built schedules for Thyssen-Krupp Elevator Company to resolve a delay claim, which resulted in a quick, negotiated settlement.
Alameda Unified High School District, Alameda $32M (2002)
Managed district wide modernization program for half of their 14 schools. Managed meetings, schedules, submittals, change orders, field issues & facilitated project closeout.
City of Oakland, Mac Arthur UG Project, Oakland $70M (2002)
Provided drafting services to the design team for the replacement of 2.5 miles of overhead utilities along Mac Arthur Blvd with an underground system.
BART-16th & Mission SW Station, San Francisco $1.7M (2002)
As the general contractor’s Project Manager, created submittals for BART review, generated baseline & monthly update schedules, published monthly reports & processed change orders.
San Mateo Unified High School District, San Mateo $37M (2001)
Managed the renovation of five high schools plus two high school theaters. Created & managed bid packages, design process & bid process, Implemented web based CM software & trained members.
Pets Unlimited, San Francisco $4M (2000)
As the general contractor’s Project Manager, managed the renovation of an existing emergency pet hospital, while it remained open 24 hours per day. Responsible for submittals, change orders, schedules, subcontracts & customer service. Supervision of superintendent & project engineer.
Hall Middle School & Neil Cummins Elementary, Larkspur $18M (2000)
Principal Project Manager for the renovation of two schools within a strict summer schedule. Renovations included life safety, ADA entrances & restrooms, electrical, data, flooring & paint. Completed on time with 2% change orders.
The San Francisco School, San Francisco $2M (1999)
As the general contractor’s Project Manager, renovated existing offices & built a new two story education building. Managed subcontracts, budgets, submittals, change orders, schedules & negotiation with clients. Supervised superintendent & project engineer in the field.
Stanford University Student Housing Capital Improvements Program, $2M (1998-1999)
Managed renovation of student housing buildings on campus. Managed bid packages & contracts for tenant improvements. Managed quality control & punch list for closeout.
Union Sanitary District, Fremont $2.4M (1996-1997)
Provided field inspection, cost, & schedule control for 6 miles of sewer replacement, including micro-tunneling, open cut, bore & jack tunnels.
East Bay Municipal Utility District, Orinda $2M (1995)
Developed & managed schedule & punch list for new Water Supply Chemical Treatment Facility. Assisted project owner to reach completion & resolve contractor disputes.
Arroyo Verde Subdivision Project, Santa Cruz $15M (1994)
Developed schedule, budget, estimates & meeting minutes. Managed permitting process.
San Mateo Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, San Mateo $23M (1993)
Provided quality control inspections. Developed computerized daily reports & as-built schedule programs to automate reporting & speed analysis of construction in progress and as as-built reports.
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Train Control, Oakland $37M (1993)
Managed in-house CM software, developed customized reports, developed computerized as-built schedule from inspection reports, managed document control system & facilitated closeout.
GSA Federal Building, Oakland $197M (1992)
Analyzed & negotiated change orders & related drawings & specifications for the construction of a 1M square-foot, 17-story, twin-tower Federal Building. Negotiated change orders.
Expert Witness Claim Analysis for Various Clients of URS, (1992)
Created as-built schedules from daily reports, material takeoffs from plans to develop cost estimates & detailed reports